Top 10 Tips for Growing Tomato
Growing tomatoes is often the driving force behind starting a vegetable garden, and every tomato lover dreams of growing the perfect tomato that is firm yet succulent, sweet but tangy and flawless.
Growing tomatoes is often the driving force behind starting a vegetable garden, and every tomato lover dreams of growing the perfect tomato that is firm yet succulent, sweet but tangy and flawless.
Greenhouse farming has become very popular all over the world. It all started in the 13th century, being a way to satisfy the nutritional demands of royalty. Back then, people also used this as a way to grow medicinal plants. However, the science of greenhouse growing has expanded to universities in order for researchers to develop their studies. Nowadays, the advancement of technology in the agricultural industry, the use of greenhouse farming is accessible to everyone
Did you know that 60% of crop yields depend on soil fertility? Soil is a precious resource that needs to be managed carefully. As a farmer, you can do this by performing soil tests on a regular basis.
Conservation Agriculture is a farming system that promotes minimum soil disturbance. This approach is sustainable for soil health and food security. Mulching is an example of sustainable farming where the soil is protected from harsh weather conditions.
Climate change is expected to make agricultural development more challenging. Weather patterns are becoming less favorable in many instances, increasing the volatility of crop and livestock yields. The frequency and/or severity of extreme events is increasing as temperatures are projected to continue rising, and rainfall patterns are expected to shift more than they have already.
The agricultural industry is one of the sectors most affected by the digital and technological transformation. This transformation has caused the development of new technologies that have improved the quality, quantity and variety of food, as well as its sustainability.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management.
“A healthy farm is nothing without a healthy you.”
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