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smart greenhouses

8 Essential Tips for Farmers to Navigate the Rainy Season

8 Essential Tips for Farmers to Navigate the Rainy Season

It has been raining in some parts of Kenya for a while now and farmers and agriprenuers have been impacted in various ways.  As the rainy season approaches, farmers gear up for a critical period that can significantly impact their yields and livelihoods. While rain is essential for crop growth, excessive rainfall can lead to flooding, soil erosion and crop diseases posing challenges for farmers. However, with careful planning and proactive measures, farmers can navigate through the rainy season successfully. These essential tips can help farmers make the most of this crucial period.

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What is a Farmshield and How Does it Work?

What is a Farmshield and How Does it Work?

Technology has changed all aspects of life; from farming to education. We live in an era of using technology to ease work and do more within a short time. Additionally, produce more not just one time but throughout the seasons. Agricultural technology has become a great way to produce food and raw materials related to farming. Meet the Farmshield! 

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5 Ways on How to Cultivate Your Tech Talent as an African Farmer

5 Ways on How to Cultivate Your Tech Talent as an African Farmer

Africa has a population of 1.5 Billion people as of January 2024, as reported by Worldmeter. At least 60% of the population is made up of young people below 25 years old, a more reason to educate this generation who are tech savvy to be involved in the farming space. According to the 2023 Africa Agriculture Status Report dubbed "Empowering Africa's Food Systems," 650 million Africans —50% of the continent’s population—lack economic or physical access to sufficient food. The question remains, how can Africa cultivate tech talents among young people venturing agriculture? 

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Women in the farm with an agritech expert installing an AI powered sensor, Farmshield.

Opportunities: 8 Digital and Tech Transformation in Kenya Agriculture Space

The agricultural industry is one of the sectors most affected by the digital and technological transformation. This transformation has caused the development of new technologies that have improved the quality, quantity and variety of food, as well as its sustainability.

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