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5 Tips for Farmers to Start a Successful Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program

5 Tips for Farmers to Start Successful Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program

When I think about Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA), I see more than just a business model. I see a movement that’s changing the way farmers and communities interact. At its best, CSA isn’t just about selling produce but about creating a shared commitment between farmers and consumers. But for it to work, farmers need the right support, tools and community engagement.  

Take Synnefa, for example. Our work with small-scale farmers proves that when communities rally around local food systems, real transformation happens. We supply farmers with technology and empower them with knowledge, infrastructure and market access.You can access more about this on our FarmCloud Farm Management Tool. 

This is the kind of support that makes CSA models sustainable. It’s not enough to have fresh produce and a great idea. That’s the future of farming will be about growing food and networks of trust and support. However, to start and run a successful CSA requires careful planning and commitment.

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10 Essential Farm Safety Practices Every Farmer Should Follow

10 Essential Farm Safety Practices Every Farmer Should Follow

 Farming is the backbone of our food supply. Our lives depend on it, but it comes with serious risks. Every time a farmer faces potential dangers. This can span from powerful machinery to unpredictable livestock and hazardous chemicals. One mistake can lead to life-altering injuries or even fatalities. Take a case of growing food and the use of chemicals.  While pesticides and chemical fertilizers help protect crops and boost yields, excessive use can lead to harmful residues on food, soil degradation and long-term health risks for consumers. Have you heard cases where people had food poisoning by consuming foods high in toxic chemicals? That’s a high safety risk. There’s a need for farmers to adopt responsible chemical management practices. Yes, accidents happen but can be preventable with the right precautions. 

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How Climate Change Impact Agriculture and What We Can Do About It

Climate change is expected to make agricultural development more challenging. Weather patterns are becoming less favorable in many instances, increasing the volatility of crop and livestock yields. The frequency and/or severity of extreme events is increasing as temperatures are projected to continue rising, and rainfall patterns are expected to shift more than they have already. 


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