When is the right time to make maximum profits in greenhouse farming?

Agriculture in Kenya is regarded as a readily available economic activity and a means of wealth creation. New methods of farming such as greenhouse farming are readily adopted. The question remains how to time crops for those huge profits. To ensure you have achieved maximum profits, it is important to time your crops for peak season where the supply of farm produce is low and the demand is high.
In Kenya, peak seasons usually occur between the month of February through to June. At this time there is little to no rain and therefore the production of fresh produce is low. Drought season usually occurs at this time of the year. Greenhouse farming however still thrives because optimal conditions are maintained inside the greenhouse for the yielding of crops.

Peak seasons are the best time to be the supplier of fresh produce from your greenhouse. The prices are favourable since the demand of fresh produce is high and yet the supply is low due to minimal production because of lack of rain. Open air farmers are highly affected during this season because the crops lack optimum climatic conditions such as the provision of water for that high yield. The advantage of a greenhouse farmer here is that as much as there is drought, they are still able to provide the optimal climatic conditions for their crops inside the greenhouse including the provision of water hence they are not affected.
As vegetables come in and out of season, prices fluctuate accordingly based on availability, demand, and production methods among many others. Investing in a greenhouse gives you the opportunity to provide a variety of different produce on the “off season” creating greater availability for your customers in times of low supply..

For instance, during peak season in Kenya, the price of cucumbers goes for KES 130 per kilogram, unlike off-peak season where it is KES 40 per kilogram. A smart farmer therefore should therefore time their cucumbers at a time where they will sell them at a favourable price.
At Illuminum Greenhouses, we install greenhouses at any time of the year but we always guide our farmers on all the favourable times to prepare the beds, plant and harvest to ensure they get maximum profits and the return on their investment is assured.
For a farmer to get the best yields for that peak season, they need to prepare adequately and give the crops sufficient time to grow and yield maximumly. Among the preparation, activities include the preparation of beds, treatment of the soil, and getting the best seedlings for planting. Our agronomic support at Illuminum Greenhouses is focused to guide the farmer in these crucial steps for that maximum yield.

A smart farmer is keen on getting maximum profits and therefore will ensure that they have the best fresh farm produce at a time when the demand is high.