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20 Reasons Why Greenhouse is an Effective Way of Farming

Written by Janet Machuka | 2:51 PM on January 9, 2024

Greenhouse farming is a transformative practice in modern agriculture. Greenhouses offer a controlled environment that empowers farmers to optimize conditions for plant growth. With the growing world population, it is time farmers had a thought of trying out greenhouse farming to ensure consistent production of food to feed the populations. There are several key elements contribute to the effectiveness of greenhouse farming.

1. Controlled Climate Conditions

Temperature Management:  Greenhouses allow farmers to regulate temperatures, creating an ideal climate for plant growth. This control is crucial for cultivating crops that thrive in specific temperature ranges.
Humidity Control:  Maintaining optimal humidity levels prevents excess moisture, reducing the risk of fungal diseases and promoting healthy plant development.

2. Year-Round Cultivation

Greenhouses break free from the constraints of traditional growing seasons. Year-round production in greenhouse farming refers to the continuous cultivation of crops throughout the entire year, irrespective of external seasonal variations. This is made possible by the controlled environment provided within the greenhouse structure.
With a controlled environment, farmers can cultivate crops throughout the year, ensuring a consistent and reliable food supply.

3. Enhanced Crop Protection

Greenhouses act as a shield against external threats, protecting crops from harsh weather conditions, pests and diseases.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices within greenhouses reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides, promoting sustainable and eco-friendly farming. Examples of IPM practices within a greenhouse are:
  • Biological Control:

    • Predatory Insects: Introduce natural enemies of pests, such as ladybugs, parasitic wasps, or predatory mites, which feed on harmful pests like aphids or spider mites.
    • Nematodes: Use beneficial nematodes that parasitize and kill soil-dwelling pests, like fungus gnats or root-feeding nematodes.
  • Cultural Practices:

    • Crop Rotation: Rotate crops to disrupt the life cycles of pests and reduce their buildup in the greenhouse.
    • Sanitation: Regularly clean and remove plant debris, as it can harbor pests and diseases. Proper disposal of infested plant material is crucial.
  • Monitoring and Early Detection:

    • Sticky Traps: Place sticky traps strategically to monitor and trap flying pests, providing early detection and population assessment.
    • Regular Inspections: Conduct routine visual inspections to identify signs of pest infestations or plant diseases at an early stage.
  • Mechanical Controls:

    • Barriers: Install physical barriers like screens on vents and doors to prevent the entry of flying pests.
    • Handpicking: Physically remove pests from plants by hand, especially in the case of larger insects or caterpillars.
  • Chemical Controls (as a Last Resort):

    • Selective Pesticides: If needed, use targeted and less harmful pesticides that specifically address the identified pest, minimizing the impact on beneficial organisms.
    • Insecticidal Soaps and Oils: Use insecticidal soaps or neem oil, which are less toxic to beneficial insects and can effectively control soft-bodied pests.
  • Resistant Crop Varieties:

    • Choose Resistant Plants: Select greenhouse plant varieties that are naturally resistant to common pests or diseases.
    • Genetic Resistance: Utilize plant breeding techniques to develop crops with increased resistance to specific pests.
  • Microbial Insecticides:

    • Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt): Apply Bt products, which are microbial insecticides that target specific insect larvae, such as caterpillars.
    • Entomopathogenic Fungi: Use fungi like Beauveria bassiana or Metarhizium anisopliae, which infect and kill certain insect pests.
  • Trapping and Mass Trapping:

    • Pheromone Traps: Deploy traps with pheromones to disrupt the mating patterns of specific insect pests.
    • Mass Trapping: Use a large number of traps to capture and reduce the overall pest population in the greenhouse.
  • Quarantine and Exclusion:

    • Quarantine Procedures: Implement quarantine measures for new plants or materials entering the greenhouse to prevent the introduction of pests.
    • Exclusion Nets: Use exclusion nets to physically block pests from entering the greenhouse.
  • Education and Record-Keeping:

    • Training: Educate greenhouse staff on pest identification, monitoring techniques, and the importance of IPM.
    • Record Pest Occurrences: Maintain detailed records of pest occurrences, interventions, and the success of control measures for continuous improvement.

4. Water Use Efficiency

Advanced irrigation systems, such as drip irrigation and hydroponics optimize water usage in greenhouse farming.
The controlled environment also allows for precise watering schedules, reducing water wastage and promoting efficient resource utilization.

5. Space Optimization

Vertical farming and optimized layout designs make the most of limited space within greenhouses. Additionally, multi-tiered cultivation systems and vertical stacking maximize the available square footage, allowing for higher yields in a smaller footprint.

6. Crop Diversity and Specialization

Greenhouses enable farmers to cultivate a diverse range of crops that may not thrive in local outdoor conditions. Specialized environments can be created for specific crops, facilitating the growth of high-value produce.

7. Technology Integration

The integration of technology is a hallmark of effective greenhouse farming. Automated systems, sensors, and data analytics provide real-time monitoring and control.
Smart greenhouses can adjust environmental parameters based on data inputs, ensuring optimal conditions for plant growth.
Smart greenhouse fitted AI Powered Farmshield

8. Sustainable Practices

Greenhouse farming supports sustainable agriculture by minimizing environmental impact.
Closed-loop systems for nutrient recycling, rainwater harvesting, and the use of renewable energy sources contribute to eco-friendly practices.


9. Economic Viability

While initial setup costs can be significant, the long-term economic viability of greenhouse farming is evident in increased yields and reduced input costs.
Greenhouses offer a higher level of predictability, enabling farmers to plan and manage their operations more effectively.


10. Research and Innovation

Continuous research and innovation in greenhouse farming techniques contribute to its effectiveness.Experimentation with new technologies, crop varieties, and cultivation methods keeps greenhouse farmers at the forefront of agricultural advancement.

11. Season Extension and Crop Rotation

Greenhouse farming facilitates season extension, allowing farmers to cultivate crops beyond their natural growing seasons. This flexibility is particularly valuable for regions with challenging climates.
Crop rotation practices within greenhouses help prevent soil-borne diseases and maintain soil fertility. Controlled environments make it easier to implement systematic crop rotation strategies.

12. Nutrient Management

Greenhouses enable precise control over nutrient levels, ensuring that plants receive the optimal balance of essential elements. Hydroponic and aquaponic systems in greenhouses provide efficient nutrient delivery directly to plant roots, promoting faster growth and higher yields.

Vertical hydroponics to ensure nutrient management


13. Improved Quality and Consistency

Controlled environments in greenhouses contribute to the production of high-quality crops with consistent attributes.
The reduced exposure to external factors, such as extreme weather or pollutants, results in uniformity in size, color, and taste of harvested produce.

14. Quick Response to Market Demand

Greenhouse farming allows for agile responses to changes in market demand. With the ability to adjust planting schedules and crop varieties, farmers can align production with consumer preferences.
Shorter cultivation cycles in greenhouses enable faster turnaround times, meeting market demands more effectively.

15. Training and Skill Development

Effective greenhouse farming requires a certain level of expertise. Training programs and workshops on greenhouse management empower farmers with the knowledge and skills needed to maximize their yields.
Ongoing education in emerging technologies and best practices ensures that greenhouse farmers stay informed and adaptable.

16. Community and Local Economy Impact

Greenhouses enable year-round cultivation, ensuring a consistent supply of fresh produce to the local community. This availability of locally grown, high-quality fruits, vegetables, and herbs reduces the reliance on long-distance transportation and supports food security.


17. Adaptation to Climate Change

As climate patterns become more unpredictable, greenhouse farming offers a resilient solution by mitigating the impact of extreme weather events.
Greenhouses provide a buffer against temperature fluctuations, droughts, and storms, offering a more secure environment for crop cultivation.


18. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Effective greenhouse farming often involves collaboration and knowledge sharing within the agricultural community.
Farmers, researchers, and industry experts can exchange insights, experiences, and best practices, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


19. Government Support and Incentives

Government support through incentives, grants, and subsidies encourages farmers to adopt greenhouse technologies.
Policies that promote sustainable agriculture and support the implementation of greenhouses contribute to the overall effectiveness of this farming method.

20. Global Connectivity and Market Access

Greenhouse farming opens doors to global markets by enabling the cultivation of crops that meet international standards.
The ability to produce high-quality, off-season crops enhances a country's competitiveness in the global agricultural market.
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