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  2. Farmcloud
  3. Creating and Adding Farm Element

How to add a Farm Element- Greenhouse

This section will guide you on how to add the greenhouse units present on your farm.

1. You go to the menu side

2. You click on "My products"

3. Then select "Farm elements"

4. At the top, you click on the "Greenhouses" section

5. Then proceed to add a greenhouse by clicking on that box on the far right side that has a plus sign "add a greenhouse"

6. You will be redirected to another window where you will fill in the specific details of the unit: Name, Type(Metallic or Wooden), Size, and Date Added.

7. Finally, Click "Add" to add the unit.

*Still not sure :thinking_face: ? Here's a quick video on how to go about it!

Adding a Greenhouse