Can I have multiple farm admins on Farmcloud?

How to manage multiple admins on your farm.

Yes! You can grant admin permissions to enable other users to assign or edit farm activities and farm manager permissions for specific users to edit farm records without overseeing users in the system.

To add more admins to your Farmcloud Account you follow these steps:

1. You Click on your Menu

2. Then you proceed down to "Settings" and Click "User roles"

3. At the top right side of the page you click "+User Role"

4. A small box will pop up where you will type the role e.g. Admin, Super Admin, Farmer then click "Add"

5. The Admin will be added, still on the same page you go down a little bit under "All User Access" there is the "Description" of roles on the left side on the right side you click " Edit" then check on those specific small boxes to add your admin roles, then click "Update"

*Here is a quick video on how to go about it

How to add Admins